Financial and Banking

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Changes and challenges in the Banking sector include new products, changing customer preferences, new banking channels, regulatory compliance requirements, operational efficiency, and cost containment.

Banking, financial services and accounting functions can be complex, time consuming and have high documentation requirements. By outsourcing these processes to Petra Express, you can streamline these workflows and reduce operating costs while returning focus to your core business

Financial services firms also want an increased level of flexibility in their operating environment through simplified operating models. They need to strategize towards delivering exceptional customer experience and finding new avenues of growth. Focus on Process and Partners.

At Petra Express, we leverage our delivery model to offer end-to-end record and document management Services to our clients in meeting these challenges. Depending on our clients’ needs, we service them from onsite, near-shore or offshore locations.

Our Services

  • Daily Jacket and Backlog Services
  • Data Processing & Data Management
  • Capturing, Scanning, Imaging Services
  • Physical storage & Retrieval Services  
  • Electronic documents distribution and delivery services
  • Asset Management
  • Call Center Service