MPO-Manpower Outsourcing & Insourcing

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Petra Express provides Manpower outsourcing solutions to companies that need a way to relieve themselves from the burden of ongoing effort of supporting their employee lifecycle. We have reliable and dedicated professional consultants who thoroughly assess a requirement and source ‘right fit’ potential employee, utilizing the latest technology and successfully proven screening methods.

We identify qualified candidates whose skills match the specific disciplines you require.

Outsourcing is the act of one company contracting with another company to provide services that might otherwise be performed by in-house employees. Often the tasks that are outsourced could be performed by the company itself, but in many cases there are financial advantages that come from outsourcing. Many large companies now outsource jobs such as Call center services, IT, Telco VAS, and payroll these jobs are handled by separate companies that specialize in each service, and are often located overseas.

Human Capital Outsourcing Services

Skilled Resources, locally available

  • Temporary, Permanent Resources & Bi-lingual resources available
  • Pool of 250+ outsources staff currently employed in Jordan
  • Stringent interview & short listing process for hiring the right resources

Human Capital Insourcing Services

  • Various types of resources available on recruitment basis.
  • Tie-ups with various consultants across the globe to attract the right talents
  • Strong Database of Resume

The Difference between Outsourcing & Insourcing

Some companies outsource work to companies from other countries for cost reasons.

Outsourcing and insourcing are methods of dispersing work among different departments or companies for strategic reasons. Insourcing is typically done solely from within a company's own operational infrastructure, while outsourcing uses companies not affiliated with the outsourcing company to perform a task. There are cost and resource differences between outsourcing and insourcing that influence a company's management decisions.


A significant difference between outsourcing and insourcing is the cost to the company. Insourcing is generally more expensive to a company because new work processes must be developed to start the new division of the company; outsourcing uses an outside company that already has a workflow developed and employees familiar with the process. For instance, if a car manufacturer wants to start making car computers through insourcing instead of using outsourced technology companies, the car manufacturer must create an assembly line for the computers, buy equipment, train manufacturing employees and hire computer developers.


Companies that use outsourcing do not use their own resources for manufacturing products or providing services. Insourcing uses resources already owned by the company to achieve a goal. For instance, a company might insource customer phone support for a new product because it already has phone support for another product at the company. The company would use existing employees to set up the new call center under a division of the company. If the company outsources its customer phone support, it uses the phone bank of the other company.


A company's control over its operations differs if it uses outsourcing or insourcing. Companies that outsource a manufacturing process or a service often have little to no managerial control over the way in which the outside company operates. For instance, a company known for its friendly customer service cannot typically enforce its way of doing business on an outside customer support center. Companies that insource a manufacturing process or a service have complete control over its operations and employees.


The location of company operations is usually different between outsourcing and insourcing. Insourcing typically involves placing the new operation on site at the company or somewhere in the immediate vicinity. Outsourcing usually involves using an outside company that is not near the main company's operations. Outsourcing does not necessarily mean that the outside company is in another country. Companies can outsource work to other firms in the same country. If a company outsources work to a firm in another country, it is usually called off-shoring.