Petra Express is a GOLD sponsor of the 5th Annual Smart Meters

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Petra Express is a GOLD sponsor of the 5th Annual Smart Meters

“Petra Express, the leading BPO in Utilities is a GOLD sponsor of the 5th Annual Smart Meters Submit (Co-Located with Sustainable Utilities Middle East “SUME” Expo) that is going to be held on 28th -29th October 2015, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Petra Express as a GOLD sponsor booth (36)sqm at the Exhibition for meeting delegate and conference attendees and deliver a 20min speech in front of attendees.
SUME ( is the regions most anticipated utilities exhibition, dedicated to power generation, water and waste management, that is going to be attended by more than 2500 participants, 100 Exhibitors, 100 senior government delegates, 50 Guru Industry Speakers, 3 dedicated conferences.